Sales Page Strategies, Relishing Repetition, and Mindful Media
Published on
Jun 24, 2024
Issue #
What's ahead:
5 must-haves for a sales page that converts, why repeating systems doesn't mean you're unoriginal, and how to use intentional scrolling to avoid comparison on social media
Oopsie, poopsie! Looks like we sent through the wrong link last week for the Calm Creator Business Plan in Canva. Here's the correct link for this free resource! [ Get the Calm Creator Business Plan ]
Last week our main focus was on finishing our batch content for Teachery to launch our accounts and start posting in July. I'll be honest, I (Caroline 👩🏻🦰) struggled HARD through finding a frictionless process for the Teachery YouTube tutorials, but I finally hit a breakthrough near the end of the week so I'm feeling optimistic.
We also outlined a NEW program that we'll be filming this summer, coming to WAIM Unlimited this fall! 😱 Now, on to the newsletter...
- Jason and Caroline

Profitable 🤑
5 sales page MUST-HAVES

👨🏻🦲👋: What makes a GOOD sales page?
It’s not just design, it’s not just the copy, it’s not just the benefits, and it’s not just picking the right page builder to put it together.
I went back and reviewed all our previous sales pages for WAIM (I found 8 of them since 2018!)
In that review process, there were FIVE must-have items that stood out to me that we used on each sales page. These are the critical things we believe every sales page needs.
If you want to watch a full YouTube video and see me breakdown our previous sales pages you can click here or click the image below.

But, if you just want the five must-have items, I won’t force you to watch the video 😉.
Must-have #1: ✨ Extremely clear benefits. This one is the obvious one, but it’s often overshadowed by showcasing features of an offer instead. (Features being 12 lessons, 20 videos, an included community, etc).
Must-have #2: 🦋 A path to transformation. Your sales page needs to convey how your offer takes someone from point A to point B. What will a customer’s life be like AFTER going through your product.
Must-have #3: 💬 Social proof. Building trust is paramount to landing a sale. Quotes, case studies, screenshots of positive comments, etc.
Must-have #4: 🖥️ Show don’t tell. There should be zero guesswork for your potential customer of what they’re going to get access to. We highly recommend a product walkthrough video embedded right on your sales page.
Must-have #5: 💁♀️ Personality and values. What makes YOU unique from everyone else in your niche? What are your values that someone can align with?
As you are probably well aware, a sales page contains more than those five elements, but those are the most important storytelling points that should be extremely clear on your sales page.
So…. Does your sales page clearly have those five things? Or do you have some homework to do today? 😛
- Jason 👨🏻🦲

predictable 🔄
You can be original AND systematic

👩🏻🦰 👋: If you're a creator, you likely value originality.
You love making things and want to add your own spin to everything.
Same here. However, for years, this need to make everything original hurt us because we would challenge ourselves to constantly reinvent the wheel with every new thing we made.
Every new year brought a new brand refresh.
We never repurposed content or reused what was working, always feeling the need to start from scratch.
Every launch meant a new sales page design and new sales emails. (Like Jason mentioned, we switched up the design quite a bit until we gave ourselves permission to stick with what works!)
This was creatively fulfilling, but the trade-off is that we put way more work and effort on our plates than was necessary.
Everything changed once we realized that the point of a system is to have a predictable outcome. The repetition of a system is quite literally the whole point.
This shift was transformational to us.
Once we got to a sales page design that was working reliably, we’ve kept it for 3.5 years. Yes, we’ve updated and tweaked it, but for the most part, it has stayed the same. (Ironically, we'll be updating it for the next launch, but the basic outline and order we'll keep as is!)
Being willing to reuse these systematic parts of our business has led to so much more calm and more time for LIFE, rather than constantly creating more work for ourselves.
Now the question for you: What’s an area of your business that is working that you can give yourself permission to reuse?
Is it your sales page? A client email you can turn into a template? A digital product formula you can repeat? Your best social media posts that you can repost?
There’s nothing wrong with doubling down on what’s working. In fact, this is a key aspect to building a Calm Creator Business.
- Caroline 👩🏻🦰

Peaceful 🧘
How I avoid comparison while doing Instagram "research"

👩🏻🦰 👋: We’re gearing up to shake off the cobwebs with WAIM’s Instagram, and so I’m in the thick of creating new content for our page.
Man, Instagram has changed a lot since we left back in 2021! 😵💫 I feel like someone who just emerged from a bunker after a decade underground only to find the whole world is different, which can be a really overwhelming feeling.
I’m trying to find a balance between being excited to create content and not getting sucked back into endless scrolling and comparison.
One thing that has helped a lot is being SUPER mindful about setting an intention before I open the app.
💬 “For 15 minutes, I’m going to look for trending audio.”
💬 “For 30 minutes, I’m going to save carousels with compelling hooks I can learn from.”
These are things I actually say to myself. Then, I set a timer, and sometimes I even tell Jason my "mission" for that extra bit of accountability.
The times when I DON’T go in with a clear purpose, that’s when I get sucked into scrolling, which inevitably leads to comparison or overthinking about our content. It’s like going to Target or the grocery store when you’re hungry without a list—you’ll walk out with a lot of stuff you didn’t intend to buy.
If you too find yourself feeling discourage about your content or overwhelmed while you "research" other people's content...
This week, try setting these kinds of constraints for yourself and see if it changes the experience.
- Caroline 👩🏻🦰

gimme, gimme more
Ways we can help you build a calm online business:
Start building online courses with Teachery. This is our other business baby, an online course platform we created to help you build beautifully branded online courses that look completely custom.
Find out what's holding you back with our Calm Biz Bottleneck quiz. Are you a Time Tangler ⏰, Meticulous Maker 💎, Invisible Innovator 👻, Penny Producer 💸, or Misunderstood Marketer 🤷. Once you know, we'll give you tips on how to fix it!
Ps. We use ConvertKit to send you these emails and you can find all our online biz tools we love here.