Reset Protocols, Revenue Reminders, and Rave Reviews

Published on

Feb 19, 2024


Issue #





What's ahead:
Getting your mojo back, reminding your audience how to pay you, and balancing self-doubt with positive feedback

Last week, we went for a quick two-night Valentine's Day staycation at a nearby hotel, and it was lovely! We're not huge V-Day celebrators, but this year it felt nice to plan a little getaway and spend quality time together away from work.

This week we're back and ready for action though, so let's get to the goods!

- Jason and Caroline


My Reset Protocol: How I get motivation back after a rest period

Ever feel like your motivation is a roller coaster ride?

One day you're conquering mountains, the next you're struggling to climb a molehill. Trust me, you're not alone. We all go through it.

With our friend in town and our short Valentine’s Day staycation, it's been two glorious weeks of fun and rest, but now I’m ready to shift back into focus mode.

The only problem? My work motivation has waned in that time. (What do they say…”If you don’t use it, you lose it.” 😅😂)

Over the years, I’ve developed a highly personalized “reset protocol” that I always use when I need to hop back on the motivation train. Everyone’s reset protocol will likely be different, but here’s a glimpse into mine:

  1. 🛌 Prioritize Good Sleep: This is my #1 domino habit. Quality sleep sets the stage for a productive day ahead, so I make sure I'm in bed before 10pm which guarantees me a more productive, focused day.

  2. 💧 Hydration is Key: Drinking enough water makes my body and mind happy and also reinforces my "I'm a healthy person" identity (thanks, James Clear) so it nudges me overall towards healthy choices.

  3. 🎧 Feed The Mind: I intentionally shift my consumption habits from escapism and entertainment back to education with business content, which reignites my creativity and starts the ideas flowing again.

  4. ✅ Get Micro-Momentum: I tackle three 5-minute tasks (eg. put away laundry, send the email, cut up the strawberries), which builds momentum and reduces tiny distractions.

  5. 🎯 Reset Clear Goals: Finally, I tidy up my Notion task list, reset any task dates and outline goals for the week ahead, which gives me clarity and purpose.

The key? I gradually layer these steps on, 1-2 at a time, over the course of a few days. By Day 3, I'm squarely back in the focus zone. Works like a charm.

Now, what's YOUR personal reset protocol? Write down your own 5 steps somewhere and try using it the next time you want to slip back into focus mode.

Be amazed as your motivation bounces back stronger than ever. Here's to reclaiming your mojo!

​- Caroline 👩🏻‍🦰​


Add an "Income Iceberg" to your email newsletter

In order for people to pay you, they have to know how.

It might sound simple, but one common oversight we see among creators is assuming their audience knows the ins and outs of their offer(s).

Here's a very simple yet effective idea:

If you have a newsletter, add a callout to the bottom of your email with ways someone can go deeper than your free content.

You’ll notice we recently added this section to the bottom of our new email format, and trust us, you'd be surprised how many clicks those links get.

This simple tactic is an example of what we call our "Income Iceberg" strategy. Picture your paid offers as the vast expanse of an iceberg beneath the surface, packed with incredible value awaiting discovery. Your free content (like your newsletter), on the other hand, is like the tip of the iceberg, only visible above the surface.

But the key to this strategy is making sure you remind people there's more beneath the surface waiting for them. That's where your role as a marketer comes in.

Sure, you want to provide immense value through your free content, but you also deserve to earn a living. And that means converting the right customers to your paid offer.

So, let's make it easier for your audience to dive deeper into the iceberg and access all the incredible value you have to offer. Sound good?

​- Caroline 👩🏻‍🦰​

ps. If you wanna read more about this Income Iceberg idea, check out this article: 3 Ways to Unlock Profit Potential in Your Email Marketing: The Dorito Framework


Struggle with self-doubt? Create a "P.C.F.F." 🗂️

Remember the last time you received a negative comment or dealt with an unhappy client or customer? The feeling in that moment really stung, didn’t it?

We’ve experienced that feeling countless times too. But, we also have an antidote to that stinging pain! 💊

It's your P.C.F.F. 🗂️ (Positive Customer Feedback Folder)

Your P.C.F.F. is a dead-simple thing to create:

Make a new folder on your computer’s desktop labeled P.C.F.F. and whenever you have a positive customer/client interaction, screenshot it and drop it in the folder.

This is one of those ideas that sounds too easy and like it won’t do much, but let me tell you, it’s a mental game-changer!

Just a few weeks ago, I was dealing with a particularly prickly customer of Teachery and it left me feeling a bit unhappy with our product.

But, then I remembered my P.C.F.F.! I quickly navigated to my Teachery P.C.F.F. and was met with a smattering of positive comments and happy customers. Immediately, my mood flipped! 😍

Running a business means you’re going to have interactions with all kinds of customers. Of course your goal is to make all of them happy, but it's simply an impossible task. The sucky part is that our brains latch on to the negative 10x as much as the positive. However, with a little planning and a simple trick like creating a 🗂️ P.C.F.F., you can make sure the 95% positive gets as much attention in your head as the 5% negative.

Bonus tip: If you're starting your 🗂️ P.C.F.F. from scratch, send a 1-line email to your customers and ask them to reply to the following question: “What’s one thing you really enjoy about [add your product name here]?”

Boom! You’ll have a full 🗂️ P.C.F.F. in no time.

​- Jason 👨🏻‍🦲​


Ways we can help you build a calm online business:

  • Enroll in our un-boring coaching program, WAIM Unlimited. Get in-depth monthly training focusing on one thing to move the needle in your biz. (Includes a step-by-step roadmap, thriving Slack community, fun accountability game, library of hundreds of resources to build your business, AND once you finish paying, you never pay us again and continue to get whatever we create in the future.) We open enrollment twice a year in the Spring and Fall.

  • Start building online courses with Teachery. This is our other business baby, an online course platform we created to help you build beautifully branded online courses that look completely custom.

  • Find out what's holding you back with our Calm Biz Bottleneck quiz. Are you a Time Tangler ⏰, Straddling Strategist 🤸, Invisible Innovator 👻, Penny Producer 💸, or Misunderstood Marketer 🤷. Once you know, we'll give you tips on how to fix it!

Ps. We use ConvertKit to send you these emails and you can find all our online biz tools we love here.

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