Check out your
Calm Business Bottleneck
You're a Time Tangler!
But fear not, friend, this is actually a very good thing! This means with a few tweaks to your productivity, you could see MAJOR strides in your business growth.
You are creative and curious, but too often you find yourself wondering where the day escaped to and you find yourself tangled up in tasks that aren’t actually moving the needle in your business.
Your greatest opportunity for revenue growth is in taking control of your schedule and managing your time better.You can turn this blindspot into a huge opportunity to improve your business.
Want to know how? Keep reading!
The #1 Thing to Avoid as a
Time Tangler
As much as you love freedom and creativity, if you’re a Time Tangler, a “blank day” is just as overwhelming as a blank page in a brand new notebook. Resist the urge to just work on whatever you feel like, when you feel like it. Instead, put systems in place to give yourself a clear plan of attack each day.
Even something as simple as setting an intention for the ONE thing you want to accomplish each day, and at what time you plan to work on it will do wonders for you.
Giving yourself some structure will actually promote creativity, rather than hindering it.
Three Strategies to
🚀 Boost Your Revenue
as a
Time Tangler
1. Set micro-deadlines.
Just circling a date on your calendar and writing “launch product” is a surefire way to get lost in the weeds. Instead, break your big projects down into phases and set a deadline for each phase. We call these “micro-deadlines” and it will help you stay accountable throughout the entire life cycle of a project.
2. Time-block your calendar.
View each hour of your day as a block and fill up your “blocks” with what tasks you’ll work on during each block at the beginning of each week. If you don't assign when you're going to do something, it's not likely to get done.
3. Track your time.
For one week, track what you do each day in 30-minute increments in a journal. Each time you check social, or refresh your email, or go down a rabbit hole on Pinterest, write it down. This will clearly illuminate your unhelpful habits when it comes to time.