Check out your
Calm Business Bottleneck
You're an Invisible Innovator!
But don't worry, this can be turned into an asset! By shifting to "marketing mode" just a bit more, you could boost your business revenue.
You are incredibly passionate about your ideas and love bringing them to life, but too often you find yourself pouring all your time and energy to the making part of the process, with little planning or extra time to actually market your business and your ideas to bring in new leads.
Your greatest opportunity for growth is in shifting some of your focus to inbound marketing strategies.
You can turn this blindspot into a huge opportunity to improve your business.
Want to know how? Keep reading!
The #1 Thing to Avoid as a
Invisible Innovator
It’s a fantastic quality to have to be so invested in the creative part of the process. If that’s the part of being an entrepreneur that you love most, you should lean into that. BUT, it’s important to note that all your hard work spent on creating is for nothing if no one ever gets to see your creations.
With a bit more planning and intention, it is possible for you to promote in a way that feels authentic and prioritize putting some marketing foundations in place to sell more of those amazing ideas you’ve been working on.
Three Strategies to
🚀 Boost Your Revenue
as a
Invisible Innovator
1. Put yourself in your customer's shoes.
The easiest way to see gaps in your marketing strategy is to see your business AS your ideal customer. Choose a product or service of yours and ask yourself how a customer would get from discovering your business exists to paying you money. If you can’t see a clear, step-by-step path laid out for them, that’s an opportunity to create one.
2. Build a marketing bridge.
Around here, we call that step-by-step sequence that connects your audience to your offering a "marketing bridge." You should have at least one if not many of these. Take the most recent offering you created, and spent one week making a compelling lead magnet to add to a piece of content on your site on a topic related to this offering. Then write an email sequence selling your new lead on the benefits of your offering.
3. Make intentional time for marketing.
If you know that you spend the majority of your time building, not marketing, then it will take some intention to carve out time in your schedule to spend on marketing efforts. Here’s an idea: Try “Marketing Mondays”—put one hour on your calendar every Monday to devote to brainstorming and marketing-related tasks. This is one way to start baking marketing into your weekly schedule.