Jun 27, 2018
Caroline Zook
What are the exact steps we're going to take to convert a new website visitor into an extremely happy customer?
This week's unedited meeting is jam-packed as we walk you through a process Caroline created called the Customer Journey Marketing Plan
(yea yea, we'll make a sexier name for it later on)
We wrote about the
Customer Journey Marketing Plan
last week, but this week we walked through the journey step by step to figure out what each part of the process would mean for our ongoing weekly and monthly schedule.
follow along with us
Feel free to download the Customer Journey Marketing Plan
worksheet (PDF)
and fill it out for your own business while you watch us do it for Wandering Aimfully.
We also break down each ongoing task into specific hours and apply those hours to a weekly calendar. The goal is to figure out how many hours we estimate we'll spend on which parts of our customer journey and if we need to change our strategy based on the outcome we're hoping for (you know, paying customers).
Here are the links to download the blank templates for the
weekly schedule
monthly schedule
And here's a look at our final weekly schedules for the ongoing marketing tasks associated with Wandering Aimfully:
And yes, we do plan on tracking our time the first month so we can report back on if we're able to keep up with this schedule and how accurate our time estimates are!
Hope you enjoy being a fly on the wall and we'd love to know if you filled out the worksheet or your hourly schedule for your own business!